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Online Marketing Must-Reads

Finding books that actually provide you with helpful information can be a difficult task.  With hundreds of marketing books published every year, you are left wondering what books should you should spend your precious time reading.

A good book should provide more than just a history lesson, it should provide you with...

  • Actionable steps to help you achieve your goals (whether it be creating content or developing a mobile strategy)
  • Real life examples that provide you with ideas for your own business (sometimes there is nothing more helpful than examples that illustrate the process)
  • Some entertainment (because if it puts you to sleep, what are you going to learn?)

Thankfully for you, we love to read online marketing books.  And over time we have developed a list of our favorite and most helpful online marketing must-reads.  These books cover a variety of topics - each will provide you with some essential online marketing knowledge.  Here is our list in no particular order:

Instant Appeal: The 8 Primal Factors That Create Blockbuster Success by Vicki Kunkel
This book will provide you with strategies your business can use in your marketing efforts - whether you want to market yourself, your products, or your business.  Learn what makes a person act when it comes to making a purchase.

Content Rules - How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars that Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business by Ann Handley & C.C. Chapman
This book will provide you with rules to fallow and questions to ask yourself when your busy developing content.  Learn how to leverage today tools and create content that speaks directly to your target market.

Emotionomics - Leveraging Emotions for Business Success by Dan Hill
This book will teach you about the power of emotions and the impact they have on decision-making.  You will learn that people are primarily emotional decision-makers and how to take advantage of this knowledge.

eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale by Ardath Albee
This book will is a practical how to guide that shows how b2b marketers can drive sales and conversions using the internet.  Learn how to "differentiate yourself with attraction marketing, create contagious content, and drive qualified leads to sales."

Convert! Designing Web Sites to Increase Traffic and Conversion by Ben Hunt
This book provides tips to help you increase your conversion rate using design, copy, SEO, and testing.  Learn how to develop a site that is seen by the right people, build traffic, and how to use testing to improve conversion.